LBP AM and 33 other organisations launch a call to improve the legislative network for the shareholder dialogue on climate issues

SRI 5.19.23
LBP AM and 33 other organisations launch a call to improve the legislative network for the shareholder dialogue on climate issues

Under the public consultation on the Green Industry Bill, 34 investors and responsible finance players, including LBP AM and CNP Assurances, subsidiaries of La Banque Postale, have signed a letter addressed to Bruno Le Maire, in order to integrate the improvement of shareholder dialogue on climate issues into the law.

An opportunity not to be missed’ is how 34 institutional investors, market associations and responsible finance players perceive the government's "green reindustrialisation" bill. In an open letter addressed to the Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, they call on him to include the improvement of shareholder dialogue on climate issues in France into the law.

Create the conditions for an effective and ambitious shareholder dialogue

The signatories thus aim to:

  • generalise the "Say on Climate" resolutions based on clear specifications
  • facilitate and clarify the conditions for filing shareholder resolutions, particularly on climate change.

This position has been set out for several years in the voting policy of LBP AM and its subsidiary Tocqueville Finance, but also through the Forum for Responsible Investment and shared by the Climate and Sustainable Finance Commission of the Financial Markets Authority.

The requested improvement would enable investors to meet the expectations of their beneficiaries and the regulator better through increased engagement with issuers on climate issues as well as to analyse their climate strategies better.

> Discover the open letter (available in french)

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