Enhance financial, natural and human capital and support the sustainable transition of our clients
Consistency, Exigency, Initiative, Responsibility and Team spirit
A history spanning more than 30 years, which in 2023 gave birth to LBP AM, strong convictions, innovative solutions.
LBP AM has 3 governance bodies : the Board of Directors, the Management Committee and the Supervisory Board.
We have chosen the French government's SRI label to guarantee a high standard of quality for a large proportion of our eligible open-ended funds. We also want impact to become a hallmark of our European private asset expertise.
►See our funds
Regardless of the type of investor contribution (financial or extra-financial), we work at all times based on the virtuous approach of complementing companies’ own approaches so that they can maximise their social or environmental impact.
► Consult our voting policy
► More information on voting
Regardless of the investment considered, we have developed robust tools able to measure impact, based on social or environmental objectives, monitoring of outcomes, and an ongoing process of evaluation.
► Consult our exclusion policy
100% responsible management with a CSR policy comprising 4 pillars and precise goals by 2025
For the "Trophées de l'asset management 2023", Funds Magazine and Option Finance rewarded the most innovative players and their achievements. LBP AM won the "Digital Innovation Award" honouring our "SRI Data Hub".
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LBP AM was awarded the "Sustainable Finance Prize" in the "Asset Management Company" category at the Agefi 2023 Grands Prix, in recognition of our environmental, social and governance commitments, in line with our CSR policy and SRI strategy.
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A recognised player in conviction-based equity management of long standing, Tocqueville Finance is on the podium of the Alpha League Table for the second year running. Published by SIX, this ranking places Tocqueville Finance 3rd among the best-performing French equity managers in 2022.
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The “Trophées du Revenu 2023” ceremony was held on 25 May, recognising the best funds in France. Once again, LBP AM and Tocqueville Finance won two awards.
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On the 19th edition of the SICAV Grand Prize – Get the Most out of Your Money, the LBPAM ISR Small Cap Euro fund was awarded the "Label Excellence," the most prestigious prize, for its consistent performance. Tocqueville Technology ISR, LBPAM ISR Actions France, LBPAM ISR Actions Euro, LBPAM ISR Actions Euro Focus Emergents and LBPAM Responsable Actions Euro were awarded the "Performance Label" for having attained the 1st decile of their respective categories.
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The fund range distributed by La Banque Postale, and managed by LBP AM, was awarded 2nd place in the "Corbeille Long Terme Réseaux bancaires sur 5 ans" ranking. This distinction rewards the best-performing fund ranges over the long term, marketed by banking institutions to retail investors.
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Won December 11, LBP AM received two Quantalys Harvest Group Awards : the"Best Local Company" in the "Money Market Management" category and the "Special Prize for Social Theme Management".
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