LBP AM  sharing range : 3 funds to support biodiversity, culture and healthcare

gamme de partage

Because solidarity is a hallmark value e of our Group, LBP AM  supports associations working to preserve biodiversity, culture and health.  In 2023, nearly three hundred thousand euros were donated to three associations through the three   investment funds in our Sharing Range.

As part of their CSR commitments and their strategy of supporting regional development, LBP AM and LFDE donate part of their management fees to support organizations whose actions are in line with the themes of 3 investment funds: Tocqueville Environnement ISR, LBP AM ISR Actions France and Tocqueville Silver Age ISR. To coincide with tthe publication of a half-yearly report of this Sharing Range, we take a look at the associations we support and the projects born of these partnerships.

Tocqueville Environnement ISR and CDC Biodiversité's Nature 2050 program

Specializing in energy transition, Tocqueville Environnement ISR selects European companies offering products and services that provide solutions to environmental challenges. The Nature 2050 program, launched by CDC Biodiversité in 2016, was chosen for its mission to defend the natural environment, restore biodiversity and manage it sustainably.  

In 2023, one hundred and twenty-one thousand euros were paid by LBP AM and LFDE allowing the restoration and adaptation to climate change until 2050 of 24,200 m2 of territory, like the de-waterproofing and revegetation project. in the heart of the city of Laval, reconciling the contribution of biodiversity, urban planning constraints and uses.

LBP AM ISR Actions France and the Louvre Endowment Fund

For its part, the LBPAM ISR Actions France fund, which invests in French equities to support entrepreneurs, through companies qualified as "structural leaders" or groups in the making, has been associated with the Louvre Endowment Fund. Created in 2009, the fund's mission is to help the museum finance its public-interest missions, in particular by supporting the development of its collections, the transmission and opening up of its collections to the public, and the restoration and enhancement of its built heritage and the Tuileries gardens.

In 2023, nearly one hundred and thirteen thousand euros were paid by LBP AM and LFDE to support the projects carried out by the association in favor of elderly people, people with disabilities or even those suffering from chronic illnesses, in situations of financial fragility.

Tocqueville Silver Age ISR and the Siel Bleu association

As its name suggests, the Tocqueville Silver Age ISR fund invests in the Silver Economy, i.e. all economic activities meeting SRI criteria dedicated to "seniors",  to improve their quality of life. Siel Bleu was chosen because of its work with the most vulnerable people, aimed at maintaining their independence, promoting inclusion and combating sedentary lifestyles and isolation.  

In 2023, around sixty-three thousand euros were paid by LBP AM and LFDE, enabling more than 200 young people to participate in the “ Objectif Louvre ” training program. Using art as a support, this two-day training is intended for young people aged 16 to 25 in integration and aims to promote them through the exercise of speaking in front of a group and support them in knowledge and mastery of the codes of the world of work.

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