LBP AM publishes its responsible procurement policy

Corporate | CSR            03.11.2024
Responsible Purchasing Policy

As part of its CSR strategy, LBP AM is strengthening its commitments with a new responsible procurement policy. With this approach, LBP AM is committed to consolidating responsible and ethical relationships with its suppliers, in favor of social progress, the environment and economic development.

LBP AM's responsible procurement policy aims to encourage the purchase of goods and services that have the most positive impact possible over their entire life cycle. In line with LBP AM's DNA, this policy fosters a constant search for innovation at the service of economic, social and environmental performance.

It is aimed at all procurers, business finders, users and suppliers, who must ensure and promote compliance with the commitments made throughout the value chain. "This policy is part of a collaborative, committed and responsible approach, and is intended to be a mutual vector for progress and innovation, by involving the various players in our value chains", explains Marilyne Neff, LBP AM Group Purchasing Manager.

The pillars of a responsible procurement policy

LBP AM's responsible procurement policy is based on the four pillars of La Poste Group's Responsible Procurement Policy:

1. Respect and promote fundamental rights throughout the supply chain.

2. Reduce the negative impact of our purchases and suppliers on the environment, and encourage positive impacts.

3. Promote social inclusion and contribute to the development of the local economic and social fabric through our purchasing.

4. Consolidate responsible and ethical relationships with our suppliers.

Ambitious indicators have been set per pillar until 2026 to develop relationships of trust and mutual progress with suppliers and integrate social, societal and environmental criteria into LBP AM’s consultations.

"Our responsible procurement policy embodies the values of exemplarity behaviour and responsibility with all our stakeholders. It confirms our commitment to establishing balanced partnership relations with our suppliers, in favour of economic and social development", concludes Carolina Viguet, CSR Director of the LBP AM Group.


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