Response of La Banque Postale Asset Management to the consultation on the revision of the French SRI label

ISR 10.13.22
Response of La Banque Postale Asset Management to the consultation on the revision of the French SRI label

With the implementation of a new European regulation and the diversity of approaches around responsible investment, LBPAM proposes to evolve the structure of the label to integrate different variations, offering adapted criteria.

The French SRI label (label ISR français) has been of huge importance for La Banque Postale AM ever since it made the label the central component of its 100% SRI strategy in 2018.

ambitious and reliable market standard in France

the reference framework must continue to be reviewed, particularly in terms of the rigorousness of its requirements fully integrate the label into European regulation

make it even easier for savers to understand the label accommodate the various approaches to responsible investment

A foundational base

A supplementary and optional base ifferent menus,

Read the french complete presentation

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