Capture equity returns with less volatility, regardless of market conditions, while we adjust to your choices, particularly in terms of investment universe and risk budget..
Brice Perin
Co-Head of Multi-Assets & Absolute Return, Head of Convertible Bond Management
Convertible bonds have various performance drivers, including the underlying shares, volatility and their bond component. Their hybrid nature makes them a special investment for creating value in various market contexts.
Active and discretionary management based on three vectors – defensive, opportunistic, and absolute return – along with Solvency 2 optimisation.
Focuses on selectiveness to best capture the convexity of convertible bonds, identify the solidity of the current bond floor, and to avoid defaults.
Includes all classes of convertible bonds – investment grade, high yield and non-rated.
A multi-dimensional approach, including macroeconomic, fundamental equity, credit, interest-rate, volatility and GREaT extra-financial research.
Several sources of added value, including arbitrage strategies, directional strategies and macro-hedging/volatility.
A triad of skills based on collaboration between managers, and fundamental, extra-financial, and quantitative analysts.
Cutting-edge research to identify and calibrate performance drivers to market contexts.
Expertise of the management team with long-standing knowledge of the markets.
Proprietary and innovative management, decision-making tools, and thorough risk budgeting.
* GREaT: Responsible Governance, sustainable management of natural and human Resources, Energy & economic transition, and Territorial development