LBP AM and La Banque Postale launch a new target-date bond fund: LBPAM ISR Obli Novembre 2028

SRI 20.10.2023
new bond fund

Designed and managed by LBP AM and distributed by La Banque Postale, LBPAM ISR Obli Novembre 2028 will be invested in bonds and other international debt securities. 

This new, ISR-certified target-date bond fund will be offered to Banque Postale clients within the framework of accounting-unit life assurance contracts, capitalisation contracts and securities accounts. The marketing period during which investors may subscribe lasts until 16 December 2023. 

LBPAM ISR Obli Novembre 2028 has a dual objective: to attempt to provide subscribers an annual yield between 3.7% and 4% (net of management fees) upon fund maturity (i.e., on 30 November 2028) , while following the SRI approach that is a feature of LBP AM. 

Vincent Cornet, Chief Investment Officer at LBP AM: “Alongside La Banque Postale, we wanted to expand the range of target-date bond funds accessible to the general public, during a period favourable to this type of product. With the surge in interest rates, we were once again seeing yield opportunities on the relatively long section of the yield curve. Hence, our decision to opt for a five-year maturity for a portfolio with diversified sources of performance, at the crossroads of investment grade and high yield ”.   

Mimouna Boutchich, Head of Financial Savings and Insurance at La Banque Postale: “La Banque Postale is taking one more step in its strategy of expanding its Savings range. To assist our clients in diversifying their assets, we are offering this new bond fund to tap into market opportunities. This ISR-certified solution lets our clients to give meaning to their savings and fits perfectly into our range of responsible investments.”

Bond picking and proprietary SRI approach

This fonds commun de placement [mutual fund] will be invested in bonds and other international debt securities (public- and private-sector, denominated in currencies of OECD countries) that do not mature after the fund’s target date, i.e., 30 November 2028. Up to 100% of the fund’s net asset value may be exposed to investment grade bonds and up to 50% to speculative high yield bonds. 

LBP AM’s investment strategy is based on the active and discretionary management that is favourable to bond picking. It does this by researching the investment universe, based on financial and extra-financial criteria, for the purpose of identifying issuers whose risk-adjusted profile is deemed attractive and whose sustainable development practices are among the best, based on LBP AM’s assessment. 

To do so, LBP AM deploys its proprietary SRI research method, called “GREaT ”, centred on responsible governance, sustainable management of resources, the energy transition and regional development.

And, lastly, LBPAM ISR Obli Novembre 2028 meets the reporting requirements of SFDR  Article 8 and features a moderate risk profile (SRI 2), as well as a sustainability threshold of at least 10%.   


This is a promotional document. Please refer to the LBPAM ISR Obli Novembre 2028 prospectus and to the LBPAM ISR Obli Novembre 2028 key investor information document before making any final investment decision. These documents are available on request at LBP AM or at The investment entails the subscription of units or shares in a collective investment scheme (CIS) and not the acquisition of the underlying assets (which are held by the CIS).
Investing in this fonds commun de placement [mutual fund] may entail risks, including, but not limited to: the risk of loss of capital, interest-rate risk, credit risk, the risk incurred from holding securities having a low, or non-existent rating, liquidity risk from exposure to forward financial instruments, discretionary management risk, excessive exposure risk, and sustainability risk. Please refer to the LBPAM ISR Obli Novembre 2028 prospectus for complete information on risks.
We draw your attention to the fact that the CIS may deviate materially from its investment objective at any time, depending on market conditions. Such objectives are based on the management company’s market assumptions and under no circumstances do they constitute a promise of returns or fund performance.
The opinions expressed: (i) are regarded as reliable by LBP AM and well-founded or justified in light of the economic, financial, market and regulatory context; and (ii) are provided solely for information purposes.


About La Banque Postale (
Alongside its subsidiaries, including CNP Assurances, La Banque Postale constitutes a large international bancassurance group, the 11th largest in the euro zone based on total assets. Its diversified business model allows it to support 20 million retail, corporate and local-government clients in France with a range of universally accessible products. As a subsidiary of the La Poste group, La Banque Postale is a neighbourhood bank, with coverage throughout France through 17,000 contact points, including 7000 post offices.  
With its “La Banque Postale 2030” strategic plan, La Banque Postale aims to become the preferred bank of the French, with an integrated and omnichannel offering of bancassurance services built around three brands: La Banque Postale, its daily bank; Ma French Bank, its 100% mobile bank; and Louvre Banque Privée, its private bank. 
La Banque Postale is accelerating its diversification strategy and expanding its business capabilities, particularly in asset management, insurance, consumer credit, and corporate and investment banking.   
On the strength of its civic identity, La Banque Postale is working towards a fair transition by placing environmental and social impact objectives at the heart of its governance. As an entreprise à mission [a company with an explicit official mission statement] since March 2022 and as a leader in impact finance, La Banque Postale is targeting zero net emissions as early as 2040. It ranks near the top in extra-financial agency ratings (with Moody’s ESG Solutions rating as the top retail and specialised bank ). 

About LBP AM (
LBP AM is owned 75% by La Banque Postale and 25% by Aegon Asset Management. As a key player in multi-specialist conviction-based management and sustainable finance, LBP AM capitalises on its own capabilities and those of its subsidiaries Tocqueville Finance and La Financière de l’Echiquier (LFDE), to offer a broad range of open-ended funds, dedicated solutions and mandates to its clients – institutional investors, insurance companies, mutual insurance companies, large companies and external distributors. LBP AM has five investment divisions: real & private assets; multi-assets & absolute return; quantitative solutions, equity management via Tocqueville Finance; and collective & private management via LFDE. As of 30 June 2023, consolidated AuM of LBP AM and its subsidiaries came to 70 billion euros of managed and distributed assets.

Media contacts: 

La Banque Postale
Caroline GIN – – 33 (0)6 10 25 04 47  
France PLASSE – – 33 (0)6 08 47 75 41 

Yohann HENDRICE – – 33 (0)7 85 59 01 32
Kristell LE NADAN – – 33 (0)6 98 49 22 27
Charlotte LATRON – – 33 (0)7 60 90 89 18

[1] SThis investment objective is based on conservative assumptions with a risk of loss of capital. Excluding fees incurred for securities accounts and life insurance and capitalisation contracts, and the taxation, which varies with each person and withholding taxes applicable within the investment framework. 
[2]Investment grade: bonds perceived as being of better quality, which are rated between “BBB-“ and “AAA” by the main ratings agencies. High yield: speculative bonds. The high yield category includes bonds rated by the main ratings agencies between “C” and “BB+”.

[3]LBP AM’s proprietary “GREaT” method covers almost 10,000 issuers. For equities and fixed-income products, it is built on four pillars (responsible governance, sustainable management of resources, the energy transition and regional development), 13 criteria and 60 indicators, taking into account sector, geography and company size. 

[4]Since March 2021, Regulation (EU) 2019/2088, called the Sustainable Finance Disclosure (SFDR), imposes transparency requirements on sustainable investment funds. Article 8 covers funds that promote social or environmental characteristics.

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