Manaos, an investment services platform, enhances its offering of extra-financial data in partnership with LBP AM 

Tech ISR 26.10.2023
image d'un immeuble avec en surcouche les logos Manaos et LBP AM

Manaos, an investment services platform, and LBP AM have announced a partnership under which “GREaT”, LBP AM’s proprietary ESG ratings method, will be accessible on the platform.

Manaos, an investment services platform, and LBP AM have announced a partnership under which “GREaT”, LBP AM’s proprietary ESG ratings method, will be accessible on the platform.

“GREaT” aims to evaluate issuers – governments, companies and projects – quantitatively and qualitatively in two dimensions: the responsibility of their practices and the contribution of their products and services to meeting sustainability challenges. 

In aggregating 60 indicators applicable to a universe of 10,000 issuers, LBP AM’s ratings model is based on an analysis of 13 ESG criteria weighted by sector and classified into four pillars: responsible governance, sustainable resource management, the energy transition, and regional development. Supplemented by qualitative analysis, this system of relative evaluation produces a “GREaT score” of the issuer. The method can also be applied to the ESG rating of real and private assets (from corporate, infrastructure and real-estate issuers) to measure the viability of companies’ and projects’ business models and their exposure to sustainability challenges. 

Now accessible on the Manaos platform, “GREaT scores” can be automatically linked to the data of investor portfolios and supplemented by other scores available on the fintech’s ESG marketplace and retrieved in a few clicks in Excel, SFTP or API formats, or integrated into ESG research notes and other legally required documentation (SFDR PAI reports, EETs, TCFD, PR PCR, Art. 29 of France’s Energy and Climate Law, etc.).

Franck Delbes, CEO of Manaos: “We have seen how determined asset managers are to develop and distribute their sustainability know-how and methodology to their clients. Our online platform is linked to the main asset managers and extra-financial data suppliers and provides direct access to this capability without any need for IT projects. Thanks to the structured combination between quantitative and qualitative approaches, the “GREaT” methodology offers a specific research universe and approach, which our clients are very eager to get their hands on.”

Pierre Ernst, Member of the LBP AM Management Board: “We are confident that streamlining access to our extra-financial research data matters to our institutional clients. This project, conducted alongside Manaos, is driven by this joint conviction. Our objective is to offer high-value-added service to assist our clients in their exacting approaches to the energy transition and, more broadly, to sustainable finance.”

This is a marketing document. The opinions expressed herein: (i) are regarded as reliable by LBP AM and Manaos and well-founded or justified based on the economic, financial, market and regulatory contexts; and (ii) are provided solely for informational purposes.