LBP AM and Tocqueville Finance share
their CSR commitments

Essentiel RSe

LBP AM puts the notion of responsibility at the heart of its strategy. Since the structuring choice of 100% SRI in 2018, which helped shape a management company dedicated to responsible investment, the LBP AM group's stated aim is to be exemplary in its business as a responsible investor, attentive to its stakeholders and its impacts. This vision is embodied in the CSR policy of LBP AM and its subsidiary Tocqueville Finance.

A CSR policy based on 4 pillars

Like its sustainable investment policy, LBP AM's CSR policy is based on the GREAT methodology  and is founded on 4 pillars: 

1. Act as a responsible employer, in particular by ensuring good working conditions for employees and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion ;

2. Reduce our environmental footprint, by limiting the impact of the LBP AM Group's activities and the environmental footprint of digital technology ;

3. Contribute to local development through impact projects, for example by supporting finchtechs and implementing a sustainable purchasing policy

4.Responsible governance, with a commitment to continuous, transparent improvement.

Each of these pillars is accompanied by defined objectives and specific action plans, detailed in the publication "L'essentiel RSE". 

Corporate governance designed for SRI and CSR

At LBP AM and Tocqueville Finance, the definition and implementation of SRI and CSR policies are overseen by cross-functional governance at the highest level, under the aegis of the Executive Board. This governance is underpinned by three dedicated committees with complementary missions: the Sustainable Finance Committee, the GREAT Committee (steering committee for SRI commitments and exclusions) and the Governance Committee.

The Sustainable Finance Committee brings together members of the Executive Board, the heads of  management, analysis, sales risk  and communication & CSR teams, to define strategic orientations in terms of sustainable finance and CSR, and to oversee their implementation.

New ensemble, new perspectives

With the acquisition of La Financière de l'Echiquier (LFDE) announced for July 2023, new challenges lie ahead for LBP AM. "Our growth plans are ambitious. The aim of the new entity is to strengthen its position as a multi-specialist conviction manager and leader in SRI," says Emmanuelle Mourey, Chairman of LBP AM's Management Board.
A change in dimension that demands ever greater exemplarity and convictions, in order to carry LBP AM's raison d'être loud and clear: "To enhance the value of financial, natural and human capital, and to support our customers' sustainable transitions". 

Find out more about our CSR policy and indicators (French only): 

[1]- GREaT : LBP AM's proprietary SRI analysis method

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