Professional equality index : LBP AM continues its efforts to achieve gender equality in the workplace 

Employer brand | Corporate            03.19.2024
professional equality

Published annually, the Professional Equality Index is made up of 4 evaluation indicators for companies with fewer than 250 employees: pay gap, pay increase rate gap, percentage increase on return from maternity leave and number of women among the company's 10 highest earners.

These are aggregated to produce a score out of 100 points, enabling us to measure gender equality in the workplace.

LBP AM has published its professional equality index for the 2023: it stands at 94 points out of 100 (compared with 89 points the previous year). 

This improvement is underpinned by the reduction in the pay gap, which is now below 5%, and also by the fact that gender equity has now been achieved in the company's 10 highest-paid positions (the number of women in this indicator will increase from 2 to 5 between the 2022 and 2023). In addition, the difference in the rate of pay increases is in favour of women, at 9.2%. 

Convergence towards absolute equity is a corporate objective for LBP AM, whose initiatives in this area focus on developing the skills and career paths of female employees, on pay progression and also on recruitment. LBP AM supports the leadership development of female managers through specific programmes, while the recruitment of women with equal skills is encouraged in order to accelerate the rebalancing towards gender parity. Salary reviews are carried out every year to make progress towards equal pay.

Aware of the progress still to be made, LBP AM's management team is pursuing its strategy of developing human capital in order to achieve standardised parity ratios.

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