Infrastructure Private Debt

Finance real assets that are essential to local communities, that generate steady income, that are decorrelated from the public markets, and that come with an illiquidity premium. 

Key figures



invested since 2013 in over 60 European infrastructure projects


experienced managers


funds under management

Bérénice Arbona

Bérénice Arbona

Head of Infrastructure Private Debt

We are one of the first actors on this market to provide reports on the carbon and socio-economic impacts of our investments, and to integrate a 2°C scenario in our strategies.

Key features 
of our offering


We focus on SRI* investment  in infrastructures in order to contribute to sectors that are essential to the economy and to the energy transition.


We opt for a defensive strategy via senior secured debt in all sustainable European infrastructure sectors (the exclusions being weapons, nuclear and coal-fired power plants, and mining projects). 


We are involved throughout the asset lifecycle, from greenfield (construction phase) to brownfield (operating phase) to acquisition financing and refinancing.  


We generally see a liquidity premium vs. corporate bonds of the same duration and rating. 

Benefits and what
sets us apart

One of the first infrastructure fund managers to integrate ESG research into its investment process (since 2016), based on GREaT, our proprietary tool**.  

Expert managers in France and internationally featuring solid structuring and origination capacities through a broad network of pan-European contacts. 

Exacting selectiveness based on robust credit research that has proven itself through market cycles.

Performance reports that include a carbon balance and socio-economic impact indicators.

A diversification strategy compared to conventional bond strategies. 

A 2°C steering tool (with Carbone4) at the service of impact strategies.

*Funds under management do not qualify for the SRI label 
** GREaT: Responsible Governance, sustainable management of natural and human Resources, Energy & eco-nomic transition, and Territorial development 


Infrastructure: innovation and ESG drive financing 


Why climate impact infrastructure debt is particularly relevant in 2024